As a reliable source of heat, Reddy heaters have been widely used in different settings, including homes, workshops, and garages.

These heaters come in different sizes and models, but all work on the same basic principle: heating the air and circulating it to provide warmth.

If you are wondering how you can make your Reddy heater burn hotter, there are several things you can do. In this article, we will explore the different ways to make your Reddy heater burn hotter.

What Is the Main Cause of a ‘Cold’ Reddy Heater?

The most common cause is a dirty or clogged air filter. When an air filter gets dirty, it restricts the airflow, which results in reduced heat output. Another common cause is using the wrong fuel.

If the fuel is not compatible with the heater, it may not burn efficiently, resulting in lower heat output.

How Can You Make A Reddy Heater Burn Hotter?

Additionally, a faulty ignition system, low fuel pressure, or a malfunctioning thermostat can also cause a Reddy heater to run cold. It’s important to identify the root cause of the issue and take appropriate measures to rectify it to ensure the heater provides the desired level of heat output.

How Can You Make A Reddy Heater Burn Hotter?

  1. Clean the Air Filter

The air filter of your Reddy heater plays a crucial role in its performance. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the filter, which restricts the airflow and affects the heater’s ability to generate heat.

If you notice that your Reddy heater is not burning as hot as it should be, the first thing you should do is to check the air filter.

If it is dirty, you can clean it with a soft brush or replace it with a new one. A clean air filter will help your heater burn hotter and more efficiently.

  1. Use the Right Fuel

Reddy heaters are designed to burn different types of fuels, including kerosene, diesel, and propane. Each fuel has its own combustion properties, which affect the heater’s performance.

If you want your Reddy heater to burn hotter, you should use the right fuel. Kerosene is the most commonly used fuel for Reddy heaters, but diesel and propane can also be used.

However, you should check the heater’s manual to see which fuel is recommended for your specific model. Using the wrong fuel can cause the heater to malfunction or even pose a safety hazard.

  1. Adjust the Air Pressure

The air pressure of your Reddy heater is another factor that affects its performance.

The air pressure determines how much air is fed into the combustion chamber, which affects the amount of heat generated. If the air pressure is too low, the heater will not burn as hot as it should be.

On the other hand, if the air pressure is too high, the heater will burn too hot and may even damage the components. To adjust the air pressure, you will need a manometer and follow the instructions in the manual.

  1. Check the Ignition System

The ignition system of your Reddy heater is responsible for igniting the fuel and starting the combustion process. If the ignition system is faulty or dirty, it can affect the heater’s ability to generate heat.

You should check the spark plug and clean it if necessary. If the spark plug is damaged, you should replace it. You should also check the electrodes and clean them with a soft brush.

A properly functioning ignition system will help your Reddy heater burn hotter and more efficiently.

  1. Install a Fuel Filter

Installing a fuel filter on your Reddy heater can also help it burn hotter. A fuel filter removes impurities and contaminants from the fuel, which improves its combustion properties. If the fuel is contaminated, it can affect the heater’s ability to generate heat and even damage the components. A fuel filter is easy to install and can be purchased from any hardware store.

Troubleshooting Reddy Heater

All Reddy heaters come equipped with robust exterior housing that usually consists of thickened plastic or metal. In most cases, the house is made of metal rather than plastic, however, and will need to be removed before you can access the internal components.

  • Using a screwdriver with an appropriately shaped head, start unscrewing the metal casing and pry it loose gently from the internal sub-units.
  • Remember to keep track of all the screws you have removed – it is recommended you use a small plastic box or container to house the screws temporarily. At the same time, you focus on disassembling your heater further, so that you may not lose the screws by accident.
  • If you have indeed misplaced or lost a screw, simply go to the hardware store to purchase a similarly sized screw to serve as a replacement.
  • Once you have safely stored away from your screws and removed the casing, take a peek at the plastic hoses and start assessing them for any signs of leaks, cracks, or even pinhole-sized tears.
  • Using a small spray bottle full of warm soapy water, begin lightly spritzing the plastic hoses to see if there are any bubbles gathering at the surface of the plastic tubing. If there are any leaks, take note of the size and area of the hole immediately.
  • In the case of small leaks, you may use a sealant or even waterproof tape to temporarily patch up the hole, although this is not recommended.
  • It would be best to replace the damaged section of the plastic hose with an entirely new piece of plastic housing from the store. Significant leaks will most definitely have to be replaced in its entirety without question.
  • As for the metal casing, use a scrap of dry cloth to wipe it free of any dust, dirt or grime. Do not use soapy water since this will cause the metal to rust if the soap is not removed thoroughly afterward.

Disassemble reddy heater to see if there are any particles

If there is a particularly stubborn stain on the exterior casing that cannot be removed without force, you may use a damp cloth and a small piece of steel wool to scrub it off, but make sure to wipe the casing down with a dry cloth afterward to remove all traces of moisture or grit left behind.

Check Your Internal Components For Damage

Now that you have removed the exterior housing of your Reddy heater, your next step would be to check all the internal components of your heater for any signs of wear and tear.

  • The most common issue afflicting internal components include air leaks, clogged lint filters, broken nozzles, or even damaged fuel lines.
  • In the case of air leaks, you will need to detect the exact location of the hole. Run your fingers gently along the airline tubes, fuel lines, and even the nozzle.
  • If there is a depression, crack or even tear along the surface of any of those components, there is a high chance that those areas might have been leaking without your notice.
  • Replace any broken parts with brand-new parts acquired from the appropriate store. Make sure the size and model of the elements that will serve as replacements are precisely the same as the original faulty parts.
  • As for clogged lint filters, you will need to clear out any obstruction on the screen using a piece of a damp cloth. Focus on removing as much dirt and lint as possible from the filters, especially the photocell.
  • Dirty photocells can cause your heater to malfunction and even shut down automatically after five seconds in some cases. Make sure the filters are then free of any water or lingering moisture afterward.
  • The nozzle will need to be checked thoroughly for any signs of damage or leaks as well.
  • It is recommended that all nozzles in all Reddy heaters are to be replaced on an annual basis, even if the nose appears perfectly fine to the eye or touch. You will also need to monitor your thermostat.
  • Since the thermostat is one of the critical internal components that regulate the core temperature of your Reddy heater while it is in use, a faulty or broken thermostat can cause your Reddy heater to produce far less heat than it is capable off.
  • Check out your thermostat for any signs of melting, charring, or discoloration. If your thermostat shows any of the symptoms listed above, you would need to replace it with a new one.

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Acquire a new thermostat with the same specifications as the previously damaged or malfunctioning thermostat. If you are unsure of how to purchase the new thermostat, simply bring the old one to the store and request the guidance of the shop assistant to fetch the correct thermostat for you.

Drain Out The Fuel

Once you have checked through all of your Reddy heater’s components, the next thing on your list would be to drain your fuel tank and refill it with new fuel.

  • Before you refill your tank, though, be sure to check the insides of the fuel tank for any debris or trash that might have accumulated at the bottom of the tank.
  • If you are having immense difficulty peering through the bottom of a dark tank, use the aid of a small handheld torchlight to help you see better.
  • Take a quick peek at the inner sides of your fuel tank as well for any traces of moisture, especially water.
  • Once you have cleared any obstruction or dirt found inside the tank, slowly refill the tank with steady hands to avoid any spillage or wastage. Always wear a pair of thick gloves to prevent the fuel from accidentally splashing onto your skin.
  • Use a small mask to cover mouth and nose as well – most fuels give off an overpowering odor that can make you dizzy or nauseous if inhaled for a prolonged time.
  • The type of fuel you use to fill up the fuel tank of your Reddy heater is crucial to its optimal functionality. For example, in kerosene-forced air Reddy heaters, the primary fuel source being used is exclusively kerosene.
  • This means you must not mix your fuel with gasoline or dilute it with water or thinner to preserve the stack of green notes crammed into your fist.
  • Mixing or diluting fuel will not only prevent your Reddy heater from radiating enough heat, but it can also turn the heating unit into both a health risk and fire hazard.
  • Since gasoline is equally combustible, this does not make it a good substitute for kerosene, even if it is cheaper by the gallon. Use grade 1-K kerosene at all times to fill up your kerosene air-forced Reddy Heater.
  • Purchase your kerosene from a reputable store or dealership, and avoid buying ‘leftover’ kerosene from middlemen or shady outlets.
  • Always store your kerosene in a separate container with appropriate labels, and place it on a different shelf or cabinet from where you intend to store your gasoline, to avoid the chances of mixing up the two fuel sources together.
  • Do not use a can or container that has been previously used to house gasoline to store your freshly acquired kerosene.
  • Unlike most liquids, gasoline has a propensity to adhere to the internal surfaces of a can even after the storage container has been cleaned out thoroughly several times.
  • These lingering gasoline particles will then mix with your new kerosene and taint its purity. Likewise, diluting kerosene with thinner or water is not recommended.

A kerosene mix is less likely to combust fully, and will, therefore, produce less heat in your Reddy Heater. In some cases, the mixture might spray out of the nozzle uncontrollably because the liquid is too dilute, and this can cause your heater to catch on fire.

How Do You Adjust the Pump Pressure of Your Reddy Heater?

If all the steps listed above fail to make your Reddy heater burn hotter, then you might want to consider adjusting the air pump pressure of your device. You may do so by following the quick steps listed below:

  • Slip on a thick pair of protective gloves and equip yourself with a screwdriver – preferably one with a flathead. Unscrew the plastic casing that protects the middle section of the air intake, which is located inside your Reddy Heater. Keep track of all the screws by placing them in a small storage container. Using a bit of force, pry open the casing and remove the cover. Set it aside and glance back at the exposed internal components of your Reddy Heater. You should be able to see a relief valve alongside a pressure gauge plug.
  • Gently remove the plug located on the pressure gauge plug. If you are having difficulty doing this, use a small adjustable plier to help you in the removal process. Once you have successfully removed the cap, there will be a small hole exposed in the unit. Quickly cover the hole with a pressure gauge.
  • Next, open up your owner’s manual that came with your Reddy heater unit and find the ideal air pressure required for your heater to operate smoothly. Read your pressure gauge to see if the numbers match the ones located in your manual. Usually, the British Thermal Unit (BTU) is used to rate your Reddy heater and the corresponding pump pressure for the radiator. For example, a Reddy heater of medium size will usually require 3.4 psi of air pressure to generate approximately 55,000 BTUs of heat.
  • Be attentive to all the instructions listed in the manual that came with the purchase of your Reddy Heater. You need to ensure that your Reddy heater runs at its recommended pump pressure settings to maximize heat output from the device. If you have lost or misplaced the manual, you may either contact the manufacturer of your Reddy heater or request the advice of a professional heater serviceman to help you determine the correct air pump pressure for your device.
  • If the pump pressure in your Reddy heater drops for unexplainable reasons, gently turn the relief valve in a clockwise direction using a small screwdriver. Keep doing this until the pump pressure is an identical match for the recommended pump pressure settings outlined in your manual.

Thus, your Reddy heater can be indeed tweaked to burn hotter using the various steps outlined above. By merely tweaking your pump pressure settings, filling up your radiator with the correct type of fuel, and ensuring there are no leaks or damages incurred by the internal components of your Reddy heater, you are all set to get the maximum amount of heat from your device anytime, anywhere.